Never have enough time? Find out how to make time stand still.

Blog 1

Never have enough time? Find out how to make time stand still.

It was hands down the top request of a recent survey I conducted involving executives and working professionals. How do we find the time to enjoy our family, take care of ourselves, stay on top of what matters, AND grow our business interests?

The Steve Miller Band understood the dilemma we are faced with, “Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin, into the future…” It’s baffling how time flies whether you are having fun or not. It’s like a David Copperfield magic trick, it’s disappears right before our very eyes.

So what do we do? How do we make time stand still?

The answer is simple but not easy, it requires a subtle shift from time management to a new concept that I want you to begin to leverage – TIME MAXIMIZATION!

Time management has been a popular mantra for as long as I can remember and yet we are still losing the battle. It’s time to embrace a new strategy that empowers us to leverage the minutes and moments of our day to day life and business responsibilities.

Here are three TIME MAXIMIZATION MINDSHIFT strategies:

Mind Shift 1: More is Less.

Just in the past few minutes I have received no less than 30 emails, social media notifications, text messages, phone calls, and other out of control requests for my attention. Here’s what’s crazy, they are all important, urgent, and essential to my success, or that’s what the voices in my head are telling me.

Is it any wonder why we feel like we don’t have enough time in our day? Our days are not shorter, it’s the same twenty four hours that have existed since forever. The issue is we have abandoned an ancient truth in our hustle bustle always on world, NOT EVERYTHING MATTERS. Just blew your mind didn’t I!

You first Mind Shift is to welcome the More is Less mentality. Getting more, doing more, more for the sake of more actually decreases and diminishes the richness of life, steals happiness and joy from us, and minimizes the ultimate impact of our life. This Mind Shift won’t be easy for you, it’s counter culture to the way you were raised and the way the world works, but it’s the right way to live your life.

Mind Shift 2: Less is More.

I know you just thought, “wait a minute, didn’t he just say something about this?” Nope, it’s a completely different Mind Shift. Less is More is about embracing a less complicated and simpler (is that a word?) way of living life and doing business.

Less is More promises far more than getting more could ever deliver. When we shift to a Less is More mindset we are choosing to let our success be defined by different metrics that create meaning, happiness, and lasting contentment.

Part of the time challenge that we are faced with today is a result of feeling like we’ve got to have it all and have it all right now, but we don’t and truth is we can’t. This is a life transforming game changing mind shift that will deliver every time.

Say it out loud, Less is More! When you shift your thinking to this Mind Shift you will discover that you have plenty of time to enjoy what matters, invest in your most important relationships, get your work done, and take care of yourself. Don’t believe me, try it, you’ll kike it.

Mind Shift 3: Time is my most precious asset.

As stewards of time we are tasked with recognizing that time is our most valuable and treasured asset. If we think different we will end up squandering countless hours, days, weeks, months and years of our life that we will NEVER get back. Once it’s spent it gone.

This mind shift is about changing how we view the value of time and transition to an investor mentality. If you had a million dollars you would make sure that you invested it in the opportunities that had the greatest possible return. Time is no different.

As you schedule and plan your day think as an investor: Is this [meeting, project, task, phone call, email, social post, meal, or whatever] the best investment of my time? Take time to evaluate your use of your time and you will find that you are poorly investing way to many hours in things that just don’t matter.

As you think through these three mind shift strategies, pick just one and obsess on it. Think about how you are going to allow it to influence your use of time. If you really want to find the time you want to live the life you want you are going to have to make some CHANGES! Come on, you can do it. I believe in you.

Thanks for wisely investing a few minutes of your day to read this blog. I know the power of these truths and I trust you discover them for yourself.

It’s time to make time stand still!

PS – If you really want to take your time investment to the next level and get your life back, take a look at a program we are offering for a limited time. It’s important that you act now and see what it’s all about, it may change your life.

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